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Willowdale, ON, Canada

August 19 - 21, 2016

Deut. 6:6-9 "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

Slides used during these lectures can be found: here


Lecture 1: God's Blueprint for Building Strong Families

01:11:33 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 1: God's Blueprint for Building Strong Families - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueuebfc2016lecture1-GodsBlueprintForBuildingStrongFamilies-TimHadley

Lecture 2: Navigating through the Teen Years

01:12:00 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 2: Navigating through the Teen Years - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueuebfc2016lecture2-NavigatingTeensThroughTheTeenYears-TimHadley

Lecture 3: Navigating through the Screen Years

01:05:42 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 3: Navigating through the Screen Years - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueuebfc2016lecture3-NavigatingThroughTheScreenYears-TimHadley

Lecture 4: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

57:10 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 4: Leaving a Lasting Legacy - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueuebfc2016lecture4-LeavingALastingLegacy-TimHadley

Lecture 5: Siblings for the Savior

29:25 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 5: Siblings for the Savior - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueuebfc2016lecture5-ScripturesWithPromise-TimHadley
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