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Marked For Destruction

There is a law in a certain city that all buildings along the main roads must be constructed of concrete and have at least two stories. Recently the authorities told those whose buildings did not meet the standards that they had to reconstruct. These buildings were then condemned with a large, red-painted “X.”

Some owners started reconstruction right away; others did nothing; others painted over the red “X,” fixed up the buildings, or planted flowers – so that they looked better. They hoped that all would be well; and as time passed, many thought that the destruction would not come.

But one day without notice the government sent a large bulldozer and destroyed all the buildings that had been marked with the red “X.” All those who had rebuilt were safe. But those who had only planted flowers, painted and made improvements were destroyed.

So it is with many people. The Bible says that all have sinned, and so do not meet the holy requirements of God. The red-painted “X” of condemnation is on everyone. Many think that they can make their lives better by doing good works, by being kind, by going to church, or by praying. They hope that these things will be sufficient to escape the promised destruction. Others just ignore it or don’t believe that the condemnation will come. After all, who would be so mean as to condemn good people?

But God has a standard. He must punish sin, and since all have sinned, all must be punished. This punishment is separation from God – eternity in the lake of fire. God also has the remedy. Jesus Christ died on the cross and took the punishment for our sin. If you repent, confess your sinful condition, and ask Him to be your Savior and Lord, God will forgive you. Instead of condemnation you will have eternal life!

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31 NKJV)

Written by A. Blok

First Published by:
Grace & Truth
210 Chestnut Street
Danville, IL 61832
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