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Springfield, MA

October 22, 2016

Bible Studies


God highly values priestly service. It was/is a continual service foreshadowed in the Old Testament by various individuals including Melchizedek and Aaron and his descendants who were all fallible men. The perfect priest is the Lord Jesus Christ. Our exercise is to study priesthood so that we can better understand our current position as priests. This subject is of great importance as we seek to serve the Lord during this present day of Grace.

Study 1

01:33:06 - 13 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-11
  12. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-12
  13. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study1-13


  • Called/ordained - Hebrews 5:5, 6
  • Consecrated by an oath - Hebrews 7:20-22, 28
  • Continuous /changeless - Hebrews 7:23-24
  • Character - Holy, Harmless, Undefiled, Separate from sinners -Hebrews 7:26

The priestly service of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Offered one sacrifice and offerings - Hebrews 7:27, Hebrews 10:12
  • Mediates/Intercedes - Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 4:14, 15; Hebrews 7:25, Heb 9:24

Study 2

01:04:49 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study2-08
Believers are:
  • A holy priesthood - before God
    • Holy - separated to God
    • To offer up a spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Romans 12:2, Hebrews 13:15
  • A royal priesthood - before a watching world
    • Royal - kingly; having regal bearing
    • To show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Hebrews 13:16; Philippians 4:18

Study 3

57:49 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 3 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Study3-07

Question: What other things we do as priest in the assembly or in our day-to-day life other than offering sacrifices of praise and worship?

Old Testament patterns New Testament practice
Offered animals as dead sacrifices - Hebrews 10:11 Offer our bodies as living sacrifices - Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15, 16
Priest taught the law of God - 2 Chronicles 15:3; Nehemiah 8:9 Teaching and admonishing one another - Colossians 3:16
To give thanks and praise - 2 Chronicles 31:2 Prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving - 1 Timothy 2:1-3

I think we have to discuss this question at length-to know some other aspects of Christian priesthood/priestly service.

Our collective privilege to exercise priestly service has never ending existence.

  • Revelation 5:8-14
    • We will be kings (some read a kingdom rather than kings) and priest in heaven.
  • Revelation 20:6
    • We will be priests of God and Christ during the millennium



19:34 - 2 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMinistry - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Ministry-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueNEFall16Ministry-02
Steve Campbell
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