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Eastern Bible Conference

Grove City, PA

July 26 - August 2, 2008

Young People's Study

The Good Pleasure of His Will

God's Devine Plan: Purpose, Platform, Price, Promise, Possession, Prospect

Study 1 - Sunday

36:06 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 1 - Sunday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPSun-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPSun-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPSun-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPSun-04

Study 2 - Monday

01:35:59 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 2 - Monday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPMon-11

Study 3 - Tuesday

01:39:39 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 3 - Tuesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-11
  12. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPTues-12

Study 4 - Wednesday

01:33:41 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 4 - Wednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-11
  12. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPWed-12

Study 5 - Thursday

01:28:45 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 5 - Thursday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPThurs-11

Study 6 - Friday

01:28:59 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 6 - Friday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YPFri-11

Young Adults Study


Study 1 - Sunday

Not recorded
Introduction; Why is the study of Creation so important? Why is it absolutely vital for Christians to accept the truth of Creation?
Evolution is an attack on the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • John 1:1-3
  • Colossians 1:16-17
  • Heb 1:2
The truth of creation is seen throughout the Scriptures

Study 2 - Tuesday

01:18:16 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 2 - Tuesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YATues-10
The Facts About Creation -- The Six Days of Creation (Genesis 1:1-2:3)
Events of the Creation Period
God's Evaluation of Creation
PowerPoint used during the study

Study 3 - Wednesday

56:27 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 3 - Wednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAWed-07
Human Origins (Genesis 2:4-17)
Facts of Creation
Fallacies of Evolution
Origin of Home and Family (Genesis 2:18-25)
The First Marrage
The Meaning of Marrage
PowerPoint used during the study

Study 4 - Thursday

01:10:16 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 4 - Thursday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAThurs-08
The Problem of Evil and The Promised Redeemer (Genesis 3:1-4:15)
The Fall and the Curse
The Promise of Salvation and the Conflict of the Ages
PowerPoint used during the study

Study 5 - Friday

55:44 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 5 - Friday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC08YAFri-07
The Flood (Genesis 6-9)
Why did God judge the earth with the Flood?
The impact of the Flood on the Creation
PowerPoint used during the study


Spiritual Songs 32-181

27:43 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 32-181 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue32 Oh Wondrous Hour
  2. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  3. Mp3PlayQueue70 Lord Our Hearts Are Burning
  4. Mp3PlayQueue79 Rest of The Saints Above
  5. Mp3PlayQueue83 Lord Jesus How Our Souls Adore
  6. Mp3PlayQueue105 Glory Glory Everlasting
  7. Mp3PlayQueue135 We Joy In Our God
  8. Mp3PlayQueue141 In Deep Eternal Counsel
  9. Mp3PlayQueue155 What Was It Blessed God
  10. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine For Ever

Spiritual Songs 200-365

29:20 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 200-365 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue200 Father How Precious Unto Thee
  2. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  3. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come
  4. Mp3PlayQueue268 Holy Lord We Think of Thee
  5. Mp3PlayQueue277 Christ's Glory Fills Eternity
  6. Mp3PlayQueue283 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
  7. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul
  8. Mp3PlayQueue335 Lord Jesus Gladly Do Our Lips Express
  9. Mp3PlayQueue350 O Teach Us Lord Thy Searchless Love To Know
  10. Mp3PlayQueue365 Oh The Brightness Of The Glory

Spiritual Songs 371-499

26:56 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 371-499 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue371 Look Ye Saints The Sight Is Glorious
  2. Mp3PlayQueue384 The Sands of Time Are Sinking
  3. Mp3PlayQueue392 It Passeth Knowledge
  4. Mp3PlayQueue395 O Savior We Would Contemplate Thee
  5. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be
  6. Mp3PlayQueue416 Saviour Who Can Eer Forget
  7. Mp3PlayQueue427 Tis The Church Triumphant Singing
  8. Mp3PlayQueue449 Lord Jesus Come
  9. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrous Saviour Jesus Lord

Spiritual Songs Repeats

08:20 - 3 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs Repeats - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay 2
  2. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be 2

Young People's Songs 1

26:59 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue216 Lord We Rejoice That Thou Art Gone (In Christ Alone)
  2. Mp3PlayQueue393 O Lord By Faith We Look Above (In Christ Alone)
  3. Mp3PlayQueueAnd Can It Be
  4. Mp3PlayQueueAre You Washed in the Blood
  5. Mp3PlayQueueCome Let Us Go Up
  6. Mp3PlayQueueFrom Heaven You Came (The Servant Song)
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGod Of Our Fathers
  8. Mp3PlayQueueHave Thine Own Way Lord
  9. Mp3PlayQueueHe's Everything To Me
  10. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Thou Art

Young People's Songs 2

17:57 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  2. Mp3PlayQueueJesus is Coming Soon (Troublesome Times Are Here)
  3. Mp3PlayQueueOh Lord Our Lord How Majestic Is Thy Name
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSanctuary
  5. Mp3PlayQueueShout to The Lord
  6. Mp3PlayQueueThe Love of God is Greater Far
  7. Mp3PlayQueueTo God Be The Glory
  8. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Grace of Jesus

Gospel Meeting Singing 1

22:22 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPGospel Meeting Singing 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAlmost Persuaded
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAnd Can It Be
  3. Mp3PlayQueueAre You Washed
  4. Mp3PlayQueueEternity
  5. Mp3PlayQueueHave You Any Room For Jesus
  6. Mp3PlayQueueI Will Sing Of My Redeemer
  7. Mp3PlayQueueJust As I Am

Gospel Meeting Singing 2

18:00 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPGospel Meeting Singing 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueLife At Best Is Very Brief
  2. Mp3PlayQueueOh How He Loves You and Me
  3. Mp3PlayQueueThe Savior Is Waiting
  4. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is A Redeemer
  5. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is Life In A Look
  6. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is Power In The Blood
  7. Mp3PlayQueueYe Must Be Born Again

Talent Night

54:06 - 18 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTalent Night - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue01 Wanna Wanna Wanna
  2. Mp3PlayQueue02 In His Time
  3. Mp3PlayQueue03 Here I Am Lord
  4. Mp3PlayQueue04 335 Lord Jesus Glady Do Our Lips Express
  5. Mp3PlayQueue05 Lamb Of Glory
  6. Mp3PlayQueue06 I'm Winging My Way Back Home
  7. Mp3PlayQueue07 Since The Last Time I Saw You
  8. Mp3PlayQueue08 79 Rest Of The Saints Above
  9. Mp3PlayQueue09 41 Low In the Grave He Lay
  10. Mp3PlayQueue10 All Heaven Declares
  11. Mp3PlayQueue11 It Is Well
  12. Mp3PlayQueue12 Tomorrow
  13. Mp3PlayQueue13 Improv
  14. Mp3PlayQueue14 Falling In Love With Jesus
  15. Mp3PlayQueue15 I Am With You (Ich Bin Bei Dir)
  16. Mp3PlayQueue16 Wonderful Merciful Savior
  17. Mp3PlayQueue17 Closing Remarks 1
  18. Mp3PlayQueue18 Closing Remarks 2
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