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Grove City PA

July 28 - August 4, 2007

Young People's Study

Handfuls of Purpose

Handfuls of Purpose - The Book of Ruth


51:30 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSunday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPSun7


01:11:30 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMonday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPMon9


01:16:39 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTueday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPTues9


01:16:18 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed9
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPWed10


01:16:02 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPThurs9


01:12:59 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPFriday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YPFri9

Young Adults

Godliness - 1 Timothy


01:07:45 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSunday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YASun8


01:10:54 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YATues9


01:10:54 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAWed9


01:03:45 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAThurs8


01:05:18 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPFriday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC07YAFri8

Evening YP's Meetings

Monday Evening - Missionary Meeting

24:04 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMonday Evening - Missionary Meeting - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueMonday Missionary Meeting 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueMonday Missionary Meeting 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueMonday Missionary Meeting 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueMonday Missionary Meeting 4

Tuesday Evening - Money

20:04 - 3 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday Evening - Money - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTuesday Money Matters 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTuesday Money Matters 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTuesday Money Matters 3

Wednesday Evening - Decipleship

32:31 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Evening - Decipleship - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Decipleship 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Decipleship 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Decipleship 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Decipleship 4


Spiritual Songs 1

22:53 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue23 How Good Is the God We Adore
  2. Mp3PlayQueue28 Lamb Of God Thou Now Art Seated
  3. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  4. Mp3PlayQueue70 Lord Our Hearts Are Burning
  5. Mp3PlayQueue78 Lord While We Wait The Moment
  6. Mp3PlayQueue83 Lord Jesus How Our Souls Adore
  7. Mp3PlayQueue90 That Pathway O Let It Be Treasured
  8. Mp3PlayQueue125 Behold The Lamb WIth Glory Crowned
  9. Mp3PlayQueue153 Whome Have We Lord But Thee
  10. Mp3PlayQueue172 O Teach Us More Of Thy Blest Ways

Spiritual Songs 2

27:53 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine For Ever
  2. Mp3PlayQueue199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  3. Mp3PlayQueue200 Father How Precious Unto Thee
  4. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  5. Mp3PlayQueue217 Soldiers Of Christ Arise
  6. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come
  7. Mp3PlayQueue243 O Lord We Would Delight In Thee
  8. Mp3PlayQueue244 That Bright And Blessed Morn Is Near
  9. Mp3PlayQueue248 Thou Thou Art Worthy Lord
  10. Mp3PlayQueue283 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

Spiritual Songs 3

29:58 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 3 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul
  2. Mp3PlayQueue323 The Lord Himself Shall Come
  3. Mp3PlayQueue327 Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee
  4. Mp3PlayQueue350 O Teach Us Lord They Searchless Love To Know
  5. Mp3PlayQueue365 Oh The Brightness Of The Glory
  6. Mp3PlayQueue393 O Lord By Faith We Look Above
  7. Mp3PlayQueue423 God And Father We Thy Children
  8. Mp3PlayQueue449 Lord Jesus Come
  9. Mp3PlayQueue465 O Holy Saviour Friend Unseen
  10. Mp3PlayQueue476 Praise The Saviour Ye Who Know Him
  11. Mp3PlayQueue500 At The Name Of Jesus

Spiritual Songs from YA Meetings

23:58 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs from YA Meetings - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue74 May The Mind Of Christ My Saviour
  2. Mp3PlayQueue74 May The Mind of Christ My Saviour 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueue174 O Patient Spotless One
  4. Mp3PlayQueue226 And Art Thou Gracious Master Gone
  5. Mp3PlayQueue288 O Thou Whose Mercies Far Exceed
  6. Mp3PlayQueue365 Oh The Brightness Of The Glory
  7. Mp3PlayQueue423 God and Father We Thy Children
  8. Mp3PlayQueue436 God And Father We Adore Thee

PEW Singing 1

41:48 - 13 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPPEW Singing 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue56 O Lord How Blest Our Journey
  2. Mp3PlayQueue247 And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son
  3. Mp3PlayQueue344 Not I But Christ Be Honoured Loved Exalted
  4. Mp3PlayQueue365 Have I an Object Lord below
  5. Mp3PlayQueueAt Calvary
  6. Mp3PlayQueueBehold Him Standing At The Door
  7. Mp3PlayQueueEternity
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGod In Mercy Sent His Son
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGrace Greater Than Our Sins
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGrace Greater Than Our Sins 2
  11. Mp3PlayQueueHave You Any Room For Jesus
  12. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Thou Art
  13. Mp3PlayQueueI Love To Tell The Story

PEW Singing 2

42:55 - 13 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPPEW Singing 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueIt Is Well With My Soul
  2. Mp3PlayQueueJust As I Am
  3. Mp3PlayQueueLife At Best Is Very Brief
  4. Mp3PlayQueueLife At Best Is Very Brief 2
  5. Mp3PlayQueueLove Lifted Me
  6. Mp3PlayQueueNo One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
  7. Mp3PlayQueueO Do Not Let The Word Depart
  8. Mp3PlayQueueRoom At The Cross For You
  9. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is Power In the Blood
  10. Mp3PlayQueueThere is Life in a Look
  11. Mp3PlayQueueThou Alone Lord Jesus
  12. Mp3PlayQueueVictory In Jesus
  13. Mp3PlayQueueWe Have Heard The Joyful Sound

Ice Cream Social Singing

25:33 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPIce Cream Social Singing - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  2. Mp3PlayQueue59 O God Thou Hast Engaged Out Hearts
  3. Mp3PlayQueue110 O God Thou Now Hast Glorified
  4. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine Forever
  5. Mp3PlayQueue277 Christs Glory Fills Eternity
  6. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul
  7. Mp3PlayQueue350 Oh Teach Us Lord Thy Searchless Love To Know
  8. Mp3PlayQueue395 O Saviour We Would Contemplate Thee
  9. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be

Young People's Songs 1

19:57 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAll In All
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAs The Deer
  3. Mp3PlayQueueBe Thou My Vision
  4. Mp3PlayQueueCome Let Us Go Up
  5. Mp3PlayQueueCome Let Us Go Up 2
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGod Of Our Fathers
  7. Mp3PlayQueueHave Thy Own Way
  8. Mp3PlayQueueHis Sheep Am I

Young People's Songs 2

15:18 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueI Am Thine O Lord
  2. Mp3PlayQueueI Will Serve Thee
  3. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  4. Mp3PlayQueueLamb Of God
  5. Mp3PlayQueueLord I Lift Your Name On High
  6. Mp3PlayQueueMajesty
  7. Mp3PlayQueueOh The Pure Delight
  8. Mp3PlayQueueSanctuary

Young People's Songs 3

16:23 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 3 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSeek Ye First
  2. Mp3PlayQueueShout to the Lord
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSing Hallelujah
  4. Mp3PlayQueueThe Light Of the World
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTo God Be The Glory
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTroublesome Times
  7. Mp3PlayQueueWe Will Glorify

Young People's Songs Repeats

10:03 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs Repeats - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAll In All 2
  2. Mp3PlayQueueLamb Of God 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueLord I Lift Your Name On High 2
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSeek Ye First 2
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSing Hallelujah 2

Talent Night 2007

01:18:38 - 22 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTalent Night 2007 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue01 Available To You
  2. Mp3PlayQueue02 199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  3. Mp3PlayQueue03 302 O Blessed Lord What Hast Thou Done
  4. Mp3PlayQueue04 Just Like You
  5. Mp3PlayQueue05 His Sheep Am I
  6. Mp3PlayQueue06 In Christ Alone
  7. Mp3PlayQueue07 Oh The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus
  8. Mp3PlayQueue08 I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
  9. Mp3PlayQueue09 Cross Of Christ Medley
  10. Mp3PlayQueue10 Mary Did You Know
  11. Mp3PlayQueue11 Medley
  12. Mp3PlayQueue12 70 Lord Our Hearts Are Burning
  13. Mp3PlayQueue13 I've Just Seen Jesus
  14. Mp3PlayQueue14 Thank You
  15. Mp3PlayQueue15 God Is Able
  16. Mp3PlayQueue16 How Deep the Father's Love For Us
  17. Mp3PlayQueue17 I Will Sing Of My Redeemer
  18. Mp3PlayQueue18 Our Heart's Desire Increased
  19. Mp3PlayQueue19 Seid Stark In Dem Herrn (Be Strong in the Lord)
  20. Mp3PlayQueue20 Come Unto Jesus
  21. Mp3PlayQueue21 He Is Not Here
  22. Mp3PlayQueue22 Closing Remarks
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