Spruce Lake 2004
Winter Youth Conference 2004
Spruce Lake, PA
December 27, 2004
Bible studies
Occupy Till I Come
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you - Matthew 6:33
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Afternoon
Wednesday Morning
Wednesday Afternoon
Spirtual Songs
Questions and Answers
Full Q and A Time
Question 1
Why isn't 'the pound' the Spirit shown in 2 Tim 1:7, could it be?
Question 2
Why is it that in a relationship the ungodly person pulls the godly person down or away when God is on the latter side and it should be the other way around? What would it mean that love is unfailing? IE: to be enough to bring the first person to the savior?
Question 3
Feelings don't change the facts, but where do they come in in relation to our practical Christian walk? Does the difference between having head knowledge and knowing with our hearts have anything to do with emotion?
Question 4
I know that it is not profitable for someone to speak out in a Sunday morning meeting in tongues because that may cause confusion and God is not the author of confusion, but what about in one's own personal prayer life to God?
Question 5
Can you go over what happens after the rapture, who are the believers going to rule over in the thousand year reign, and where will the devil be?