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Winter Youth Conference 2004

Spruce Lake, PA

December 27, 2004

Bible studies

Occupy Till I Come

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you - Matthew 6:33

Tuesday Morning

01:45:29 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday Morning - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 9
  10. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueTues Morning 11

Tuesday Afternoon

51:43 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday Afternoon - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTues Afternoon 6

Wednesday Morning

01:49:08 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Morning - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 9
  10. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 11
  12. Mp3PlayQueueWed Morning 12

Wednesday Afternoon

57:16 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Afternoon - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueWednesday Afternoon 6


Spirtual Songs

01:02:34 - 25 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpirtual Songs - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue14 Hark Ten Thousand Voices Crying
  2. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  3. Mp3PlayQueue70 Lord Our Hearts Are Burning
  4. Mp3PlayQueue109 Jesus That Name Is Love
  5. Mp3PlayQueue110 O God Thou Now Hast Glorified
  6. Mp3PlayQueue119 O Head Once Full Of Bruises
  7. Mp3PlayQueue134 Lord Of Glory We Adore Thee
  8. Mp3PlayQueue153 Whom Have We Lord But Thee
  9. Mp3PlayQueue190 Break Throu The Bread Of Life
  10. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be
  11. Mp3PlayQueue208 In Hope We Lift Our Wishful Longing Eyes
  12. Mp3PlayQueue247 And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son
  13. Mp3PlayQueue293 Jesus Calls Us O're The Tumult
  14. Mp3PlayQueue308 Hast Thou Heard Him Seen Him Known Him
  15. Mp3PlayQueue313 I've Found A Friend v3-4
  16. Mp3PlayQueue314 Lord To Our Souls Thy Light Is Ever Pure
  17. Mp3PlayQueue329 We Thank Thee Lord For Weary Days
  18. Mp3PlayQueue332 We Rest On Thee Our Shield and Our Defender
  19. Mp3PlayQueue358 O God Of Love How Measureless
  20. Mp3PlayQueue415 Father Spring And Source Of Blessing
  21. Mp3PlayQueue435 God In Mercy Sent His Son
  22. Mp3PlayQueue451 Lord Jesus To Tell Of Thy Love
  23. Mp3PlayQueue454 Lord Jesus We Love Thee
  24. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrous Saviour Jesus Lord
  25. Mp3PlayQueue500 At The Name Of Jesus

Questions and Answers

Why isn't 'the pound' the Spirit shown in 2 Tim 1:7, could it be?
Why is it that in a relationship the ungodly person pulls the godly person down or away when God is on the latter side and it should be the other way around? What would it mean that love is unfailing? IE: to be enough to bring the first person to the savior?
Feelings don't change the facts, but where do they come in in relation to our practical Christian walk? Does the difference between having head knowledge and knowing with our hearts have anything to do with emotion?
I know that it is not profitable for someone to speak out in a Sunday morning meeting in tongues because that may cause confusion and God is not the author of confusion, but what about in one's own personal prayer life to God?
Can you go over what happens after the rapture, who are the believers going to rule over in the thousand year reign, and where will the devil be?
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