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Winter Youth Conference 2006

Spruce Lake, PA

December 26 - 29, 2006

The Studies

Decisions and Relationships

Samson, Rebecca and Isaac and More!

Tuesday Evening

Wednesday Morning

01:29:05 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Morning - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM9
  10. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM11
  12. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedAM12

Wednesday Afternoon

Thursday Morning

01:41:18 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Morning - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM9
  10. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursAM11

Thursday Afternoon

01:17:21 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Afternoon - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM1
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM3
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM4
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM5
  6. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM6
  7. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM7
  8. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM8
  9. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursPM9

Thursday Evening Ministry - John A.

30:38 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Evening Ministry - John A. - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursMinistry1John
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursMinistry2John
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursMinistry3John
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursMinistry4John


Wednesday Evening - Jason H

Wednesday Evening - David B

32:11 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Evening - David B - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedGospel2David
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedGospel3David
  3. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedGospel4David
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSL06WedGospel5David

Thursday Evening - Chuck B

11:04 - 2 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Evening - Chuck B - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursGospel1Chuck
  2. Mp3PlayQueueSL06ThursGospel2Chuck


Spiritual Songs part 1

39:20 - 15 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue32 Oh Wondrous Hour
  2. Mp3PlayQueue34 We Adore Thee Evermore
  3. Mp3PlayQueue59 O God Thou Hast Engaged Our Hearts
  4. Mp3PlayQueue71 Oh My Saviour Crucified
  5. Mp3PlayQueue74 May The Mind Of Christ My Saviour
  6. Mp3PlayQueue82 Jesus Thou Alone Art Worthy --365
  7. Mp3PlayQueue83 Jesus Thou Alone Art Worthy
  8. Mp3PlayQueue103 We'll Sing Of the Shepherd That Died
  9. Mp3PlayQueue134 Lord Of Glory We Adore Thee
  10. Mp3PlayQueue153 Whom Have We Lord But Thee
  11. Mp3PlayQueue170 Lo He Comes From Heaven Descending
  12. Mp3PlayQueue172 O Teach Of Thy Blest Ways
  13. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine For Ever
  14. Mp3PlayQueue195 Worthy Of Homage And Of Praise
  15. Mp3PlayQueue196 Come Let Us Sing The Matchless Worth

Spiritual Songs part 2

37:30 - 15 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue200 Father How Precious Unto Thee
  2. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  3. Mp3PlayQueue217 Soldiers Of Christ Arise
  4. Mp3PlayQueue217 Soldiers Of Christ Arise 2
  5. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come
  6. Mp3PlayQueue248 Thou Thou Art Worthy Lord
  7. Mp3PlayQueue266 Christ The Lord Will Come Again
  8. Mp3PlayQueue283 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
  9. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul
  10. Mp3PlayQueue312 Lead On Almighty Lord
  11. Mp3PlayQueue312 Lead On Almighty Lord 2
  12. Mp3PlayQueue314 Lord To Our Souls Thy Light Is Ever Pure
  13. Mp3PlayQueue316 We Are By Christ Redeemed
  14. Mp3PlayQueue332 We Rest On Thee Our Shield And Our Defender
  15. Mp3PlayQueue345 A Shameful Death He Dies

Spiritual Songs part 3

43:30 - 15 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue364 Have I An Object Lord Below
  2. Mp3PlayQueue365 Oh The Brightness Of The Glory
  3. Mp3PlayQueue365 Oh The Brightness Of The Glory 2
  4. Mp3PlayQueue381 Saviour Lead Us By Thy Power
  5. Mp3PlayQueue384 The Sands Of Time Are Sinking
  6. Mp3PlayQueue388 Nothing But Christ As On We Tread
  7. Mp3PlayQueue388 Nothing But Christ As On We Tread 2
  8. Mp3PlayQueue393 O Lord By Faith We Look Above
  9. Mp3PlayQueue395 Oh Saviour We Would Contemplate Thee
  10. Mp3PlayQueue427 Tis The Church Triumphant Singing
  11. Mp3PlayQueue449 Lord Jesus Come
  12. Mp3PlayQueue454 Lord Jesus We Love Thee
  13. Mp3PlayQueue465 Oh Holy Saviour Friend Unseen
  14. Mp3PlayQueue476 Praise The Saviour Ye Who Know Him
  15. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrus Saviour Jesus Lord

Young People's Songs

22:19 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEach Step I Take
  2. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Is The God We Adore
  3. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Thou Art
  4. Mp3PlayQueueI Will Serve Thee
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSanctuary
  6. Mp3PlayQueueSeek Ye First
  7. Mp3PlayQueueThe Love Of God Is Greater Far
  8. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is Coming A Day
  9. Mp3PlayQueueTo God Be The Glory
  10. Mp3PlayQueueTurn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
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