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Mechanicsburg, PA

July 29 - August 5, 2023

For more information see

Adult Bible Studies

The Lamb of God

Looking at the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God in five different passages, in order that He might become greater for us, but also draw practical lessons from these passages for our daily lives. (The practical points mentioned are examples, there are many more practical lessons to learn from these passages)

Study 1

Day 1: The Lamb prophesied - Genesis 22:1-14

Jesus, the Son of the Father, sacrificed as a burnt offering, glorifying God in His death

Practical: surrendering all we have to Him

Study 2

Day 2: The Lamb's Blood Applied - Exodus 12:1-15, 25-30

Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed; He died so that we might live.

Practical: remembering the Lord's suffering, teaching our children the things of the Lord

Study 3

Day 3: The Lamb Personified - Isaiah 53

The Biography of the Lamb, from suffering to glory.

Practical: the meekness of the Lord

Study 4

Day 4: The Lamb Identified - John 1:29-51

Christ, the Center of our lives

Practical: how does being in the Lord's presence change our live/behavior

Study 5

Day 5: The Lamb Magnified - Revelation 5

Worship and future glory of the Lamb

Practical: we will be worshippers in the future, but are we now?

Young People's Study

The Life and Times of David

Study 1

Study 2

Study 3

Study 4

Study 5

Young Adults' Study

Study 1 - Galatians

Study 2 - Ephesians

Study 3 - Philippians

Study 4 - Colossians

Study 5 - Thessalonians


Lord's Day Ministry

What is the true center of worship today? And what sacrifice do we offer? Br. Sam Martin walk us through passages from Exodus 12 to 1 Peter 2 to explain in detail.

In the second part, Br. John Ajami takes us to Job 38 and 39 to share with us God's mind about new birth, spiritual food, Christian liberty, and the absolute necessity of enjoying the freshness of the word of God.

Not surprisingly, the Devil is always trying to steal from believers the joy of serving the Lord and each other, destroy their testimony, bend their spirit of subjection to the lordship and will of the Lord, buckle their endurance in spiritual warfare, and to destroy the next generation.

Just as the Lord provides for the ravines, sparrows, and wild animals in Job 38-39, He wants to provide fresh spiritual food for each believer to feed and sustain His people.

Tuesday Ministry

40:33 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday Ministry - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Ministry2-Tuesday

Br. Wael goes through each of the 4 chapters of Philippians and explains how Paul experienced Christ intimately despite the various challenges he was going through, even at the time of writing that epistle. In Philippians 1 there was the envy of brothers. In Philippians 2 there was the pride of two sisters. In both cases Christ was the answer. In Philippians 3, Christ is Paul's prize for whom all sacrifice was worthwhile. In Philippians 4, Christ was the answer to Paul's needs because He was his strength.

Br. Wagdi continues from the Christian experience of Philippians to the Jewish experience in Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah was a man used by God to build and to exhort others to help build. Br. Wagdi reminds us of how despite his distinguished secular position, his heart was with God's people, and in constant prayer. Although he was not of the kingly line (like Zerubbabel), or the priestly line (like Ezra), nor was he a prophet (like Malachi), the Lord used him (just a regular guy) to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

Thursday Ministry

01:12:23 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Ministry - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Ministry3-Thursday

Who do we trust in times of trouble? The Lord is our help! Br. Steve Campbell shares with us how King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 18 leaned on the Lord not on any resources from the world (pictured in Egypt). The enemy is always trying to make us doubt the effectiveness of this trust, but it is never misplaced! But we must be warned that after deliverance, we need to continue to lean on Him alone and not on any of our own personal or material resources, as we read in 2 Kings 20. Watch to find out how Hezekiah did on the second test!

Br. Rickie Pringle reminds us from 2 Corinthians 4 that it is only through trials that God refines and transforms the Christian. The glory of God shines through our earthen vessels of weakness. But in order for the life of Christ to be displayed through the life of the believers, brokenness is required, just like it was with Gideon and his army. As always, Christ is our example, whose pathway was always marked with suffering, but what did He do? He looked to the glory that was beyond suffering! So what are we supposed to do?

Another example in the Old Testament of the man of God trusting the word of God and the God of the word is in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat faced a great multitude of enemies. But he set himself to seek God, and brought all of Judah together to seek Him with him. How did God respond to these prayers? And how did Jehoshaphat and Judah do in turn? We can find a pattern of how to pray in this passage. Watch Br. Chuck Berry's message to trace it and replicate it in your prayer life!


Lord's Day Gospel

Who's the worst man that ever lived? You don't have to think too hard about it because the Apostle Paul doesn't give anyone else a chance: he says it's him! But the grace, mercy, and Gospel of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross changed Paul's life completely and thoroughly. His heart was transformed, and so can yours! Watch Brother Mark Harris preach the good news, the Gospel, of Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 1:15

Mark Harris

Monday Gospel

34:08 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPMonday Gospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Gospel2-Monday

Who do you think it is? Would others agree with you? Listen along to find out who the Bible, the world's best-selling book, declares to be the undisputed greatest one who's ever lived. The answer that Brother Carl Allman give may surprise you, but so will the change in your life, if you take the message to heart!

Carl Allman

Tuesday Gospel

49:19 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPTuesday Gospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Gospel3-Tuesday

Have you been rejected by others? Have you disappointed even yourself? The good news of this message is that Christ receives sinners! He received the worst of sinners and His grace is still available today. Watch Br. Tim Hadley Sr. as he passionately recounts the heart-warming story of a father receiving back his rebellious, wayward son.

Tim Hadley

Wednesday Gospel

36:53 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPWednesday Gospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Gospel4-Wednesday

Have you ever missed a bus, train, or plane? Did the store close just as you got there? You know how it feels to be left outside! In today's message, one man decides to be left outside on purpose, while others are warned not to be (at the peril of their lives). In any case, don't be left outside! Watch Br. Paul Meijer as he describes how he himself was almost left outside, especially if you're the type that never misses appointments.

Paul Meijer

Thursday Gospel

39:43 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPThursday Gospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Gospel5-Thursday

We all forget things from time to time, even important things, especially as time goes on. Watch Br. John Ajami's recommendation on what's the most important thing to remember before time gets away!

John Ajami

Friday Gospel

38:21 - 1 Track
Play AllQueue AllZIPFriday Gospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-Gospel6-Friday

We've all sat somewhere but our minds were somewhere else. It was probably wandering to a place where you'd rather be, or maybe to something you're worried about. We call it a wandering mind. But it's probably really the heart! In this message, Br. Paul Palmer Jr. (aka Uncle Paulie) encourages us to make sure our heart is really right with God, especially if we're fooling others that it is!

Paul Palmer Jr.

Evening Optional Bible Study

Spiritual Formation

Optional Study 1

God begins with New Birth - John 3:3-8, Romans 7:22-25; 8:1-6

Optional Study 2

Life and the food for life - John 5:25; 6:51-63; 2 Corinthians 3:17, 18

Optional Study 3

The voice of the Shepherd, the flock kept together by the Shepherd - John 10:1-18; Ephesians 4:7-16; Matthew 10:24,25

Optional Study 4

The Father's discipline/chastening producing much fruit - John 15:1-11; Hebrews 12:1-11

Optional Study 5

The completion of things and rest. “The man will not rest…the matter this day” - Ruth 3:18; Philippians 1:3-6; Matthew 13:45-48; Revelation 21:2, 3; 22:16, 17


Spiritual Songs

02:17:14 - 49 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue3 O God We See Thee In The Lamb
  2. Mp3PlayQueue7 Thy Grace O Lord That Measured Once The Deep
  3. Mp3PlayQueue19 Lord Jesus We Worship And Bow At Thy Feet
  4. Mp3PlayQueue23 How Good Is The God We Adore
  5. Mp3PlayQueue24 His Be The Victors Name
  6. Mp3PlayQueue27 Lamb Of God Our Souls Adore Thee
  7. Mp3PlayQueue28 Lamb Of God Thou Now Art Seated
  8. Mp3PlayQueue44 Maker Of Earth And Heaven
  9. Mp3PlayQueue50 Our God And Father We Draw Near To Thee
  10. Mp3PlayQueue57 On The Lamb Our Souls Are Resting
  11. Mp3PlayQueue78 Lord While We Wait The Moment
  12. Mp3PlayQueue125 Behold The Lamb With Glory Crowned
  13. Mp3PlayQueue152 Thy Name We Love Lord Jesus
  14. Mp3PlayQueue166 Lord Thou Hast Drawn Us After Thee
  15. Mp3PlayQueue190 Break Thou The Bread Of Life
  16. Mp3PlayQueue195 Worthy Of Homage And Of Praise
  17. Mp3PlayQueue199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  18. Mp3PlayQueue200 Father How Precious Unto Thee
  19. Mp3PlayQueue212 Called From Above And Heavenly Men By Birth
  20. Mp3PlayQueue217 Soldiers Of Christ, Arise, And Put Your Armour On 2,3,5
  21. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come Soon Pass Away
  22. Mp3PlayQueue235 Well Praise Thee Glorious Lord
  23. Mp3PlayQueue245 On That Same Night Lord Jesus 1-3
  24. Mp3PlayQueue247 And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son
  25. Mp3PlayQueue248 Thou Thou Art Worthy Lord
  26. Mp3PlayQueue251 Lord Jesus Christ Our Saviour Thou
  27. Mp3PlayQueue264 Enthroned On High Eternal Word
  28. Mp3PlayQueue277 Christs Glory Fills Eternity
  29. Mp3PlayQueue282 Christian Seek Not Yet Repose
  30. Mp3PlayQueue286 Stricken Smitten And Afflicted
  31. Mp3PlayQueue287 Father Divine In Grateful Love
  32. Mp3PlayQueue293 Jesus Calls Us Oer The Tumult
  33. Mp3PlayQueue329 We Thank Thee Lord For Weary Days
  34. Mp3PlayQueue332 We Rest On Thee Our Shield And Our Defender
  35. Mp3PlayQueue364 Have I An Object Lord Below
  36. Mp3PlayQueue367 How Firm A Foundation Ye Saints Of The Lord
  37. Mp3PlayQueue380 What Love It Was That Brought Thee Down
  38. Mp3PlayQueue382 Love Bound Thee To The Altar
  39. Mp3PlayQueue393 O Lord By Faith We Look Above
  40. Mp3PlayQueue410 Eternal Word Eternal Son
  41. Mp3PlayQueue413 The Lamb Was Slain His Precious Blood
  42. Mp3PlayQueue414 Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee
  43. Mp3PlayQueue419 Gathered To Thy Name Lord Jesus
  44. Mp3PlayQueue421 Glory Unto Him Who Died
  45. Mp3PlayQueue422 God And Father We Adore Thee
  46. Mp3PlayQueue424 Though Faint Yet Pursuing We Go On Our Way
  47. Mp3PlayQueue444 Jesus Gods Lamb In The Midst vs 1
  48. Mp3PlayQueue476 Praise The Saviour Ye Who Know Him vs 2-4
  49. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrous Saviour Jesus Lord

Spiritual Songs - Duplicates

13:27 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue28 Lamb Of God Thou Now Art Seated
  2. Mp3PlayQueue166 Lord Thou Hast Drawn Us After Thee
  3. Mp3PlayQueue287 Father Divine In Grateful Love
  4. Mp3PlayQueue382 Love Bound Thee To The Altar
  5. Mp3PlayQueue444 Jesus Gods Lamb In The Midst vs 1

Spiritual Songs - Young People

01:39:42 - 36 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  2. Mp3PlayQueue68 Thy Name We Bless Lord Jesus
  3. Mp3PlayQueue70 Lord Our Hearts Are Burning
  4. Mp3PlayQueue74 May The Mind Of Christ My Saviour
  5. Mp3PlayQueue95 Break Forth And Sing The Song
  6. Mp3PlayQueue105 Glory Glory Everlasting
  7. Mp3PlayQueue109 Jesus That Name Is Love
  8. Mp3PlayQueue134 Lord Of Glory We Adore Thee
  9. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine For Ever
  10. Mp3PlayQueue195 Worthy Of Homage And Of Praise
  11. Mp3PlayQueue197 O God What Cords Of Love Are Thine
  12. Mp3PlayQueue199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  13. Mp3PlayQueue200 Father How Precious Unto Thee
  14. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  15. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come Soon Pass Away
  16. Mp3PlayQueue223 O God Whose Wondrous Name Is Love
  17. Mp3PlayQueue247 And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son
  18. Mp3PlayQueue259 The Gloomy Night Will Soon Be Past
  19. Mp3PlayQueue269 We Love To Sing Thy Praises
  20. Mp3PlayQueue282 Christian Seek Not Yet Repose
  21. Mp3PlayQueue283 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
  22. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul The Lord Is On Thy Side
  23. Mp3PlayQueue293 Jesus Calls Us Oer The Tumult
  24. Mp3PlayQueue316 We Are By Christ Redeemed
  25. Mp3PlayQueue332 We Rest On Thee Our Shield And Our Defender
  26. Mp3PlayQueue344 Not I But Christ Be Honoured Loved Exalted
  27. Mp3PlayQueue364 Have I An Object Lord Below
  28. Mp3PlayQueue369 Precious Precious Blood Of Jesus
  29. Mp3PlayQueue371 Look Ye Saints The Sight Is Glorious
  30. Mp3PlayQueue381 Saviour Lead Us By Thy Power
  31. Mp3PlayQueue382 Love Bound Thee To The Altar
  32. Mp3PlayQueue392 It Passeth Knowledge That Dear Love Of Thine
  33. Mp3PlayQueue395 O Saviour We Would Contemplate Thee
  34. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be
  35. Mp3PlayQueue454 Lord Jesus We Love Thee And Joyfully Pour
  36. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrous Saviour Jesus Lord

Spiritual Songs - Young People - Duplicates

26:29 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueue41 Low In The Grave He Lay
  2. Mp3PlayQueue105 Glory Glory Everlasting
  3. Mp3PlayQueue181 Glory Lord Is Thine For Ever
  4. Mp3PlayQueue199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  5. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  6. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul The Lord Is On Thy Side
  7. Mp3PlayQueue344 Not I But Christ Be Honoured Loved Exalted
  8. Mp3PlayQueue371 Look Ye Saints The Sight Is Glorious
  9. Mp3PlayQueue381 Saviour Lead Us By Thy Power vs 3

Gospel Singing

58:53 - 21 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAre You Washed in the Blood
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAt the Cross
  3. Mp3PlayQueueChrist Receiveth Sinful Men
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGrace Greater Than Our Sin
  5. Mp3PlayQueueI Heard an Old Old Story
  6. Mp3PlayQueueI Serve a Risen Savior
  7. Mp3PlayQueueInto My Heart
  8. Mp3PlayQueueLeaning on the Everlasting Arms
  9. Mp3PlayQueueLove Lifted Me-137
  10. Mp3PlayQueueMore About Jesus
  11. Mp3PlayQueueO Lord Thou Never Changing One
  12. Mp3PlayQueueSoftly and Tenderly-2
  13. Mp3PlayQueueSoftly and Tenderly
  14. Mp3PlayQueueTell Me the Old Old Story
  15. Mp3PlayQueueThank You Lord for Saving My Soul
  16. Mp3PlayQueueThe Power of the Cross
  17. Mp3PlayQueueThere Is a Redeemer
  18. Mp3PlayQueueTheres Room At The Cross For You
  19. Mp3PlayQueueTurn Your Eyes upon Jesus
  20. Mp3PlayQueueWhat A Day That Will Be
  21. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Grace of Jesus

Young People's Songs

53:13 - 21 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAll In All
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAs The Deer
  3. Mp3PlayQueueBe Thou My Vision
  4. Mp3PlayQueueBe Unto Your Name
  5. Mp3PlayQueueBlessed Assurance
  6. Mp3PlayQueueFor Those Tears I Died
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGreat is Thy Faithfulness
  8. Mp3PlayQueueHe's Everything To Me
  9. Mp3PlayQueueHis Mercy Is More
  10. Mp3PlayQueueHis Sheep Am I
  11. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Thou Art
  12. Mp3PlayQueueI Will Sing of My Redeemer
  13. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  14. Mp3PlayQueueJehovah Jireh
  15. Mp3PlayQueueLord I Lift Your Name on High-63
  16. Mp3PlayQueueLord You Are More Precious Than Silver
  17. Mp3PlayQueuePower of the Cross
  18. Mp3PlayQueueSanctuary
  19. Mp3PlayQueueTo God Be The Glory
  20. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Merciful Savior
  21. Mp3PlayQueueYet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Young People's Songs - Duplicates

20:00 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAll In All
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAs The Deer-2
  3. Mp3PlayQueueAs The Deer
  4. Mp3PlayQueueHis Mercy Is More
  5. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTo God Be the Glory
  7. Mp3PlayQueueYet Not I but Through Christ in Me

Talent Night

45:16 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIP
  1. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-01-Blessed Assurance
  2. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-02-And Can It Be
  3. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-03-The Power of the Cross
  4. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-04-We Are One Family
  5. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-05-His Mercy is More
  6. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-06-Poem-EBC23
  7. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-07-French Hymn - Seek Ye First
  8. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-08-Not I But Through Christ in Me
  9. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-09-Glorious Day
  10. Mp3PlayQueueEBC2023-TalentNight-10-Closing Remarks

Young People's Evening Sessions

Missionary Evening

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