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Articles - Gospel
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Toronto, ON, Canada

January 13 - 15, 2017

Topic : "Facing Your Giants Victoriously" as seen in the lives of Joseph, David, Daniel & Peter

For more details see:



54:49 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPGospel - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Gospel-06
Br. Tim Hadley


Facing Your Giants Victoriously

Lecture 1: The Giant that David Conquered (Part 1)

47:05 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 1: The Giant that David Conquered (Part 1) - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture1-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture1-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture1-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture1-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture1-05
Br. Tim Hadley

Lecture 2: The Giant that David Conquered (Part 2)

40:51 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 2: The Giant that David Conquered (Part 2) - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture2-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture2-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture2-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture2-04
Br. Tim Hadley

Lecture 3: The Giant that Conquered David (Part 1)

36:56 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 3: The Giant that Conquered David (Part 1) - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture3-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture3-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture3-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture3-04
Br. Tim Hadley

Lecture 4: The Giant that Conquered David (Part 2)

44:00 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 4: The Giant that Conquered David (Part 2) - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture4-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture4-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture4-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture4-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture4-05
Br. Tim Hadley

Lecture 5: The Giant David Could Not Conquer

42:30 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 5: The Giant David Could Not Conquer - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture5-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture5-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture5-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture5-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture5-05
Br. Tim Hadley

Questions and Answers

36:20 - 7 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPQuestions and Answers - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017QandA-07

Lecture 6: The Secret Weapons of Praise and Prayer

45:07 - 5 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPLecture 6: The Secret Weapons of Praise and Prayer - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture6-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture6-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture6-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture6-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Lecture6-05
Br. Tim Hadley


Ministry: The Secret Weapon of Praise

51:55 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMinistry: The Secret Weapon of Praise - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTorontoYP2017Ministry-06
Br. Tim Hadley
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