Beamsville Bible Conference 2017
"A Captured Heart"
Beamsville, ON, Canada
February 4, 2017
Bible Studies
A Captured Heart
A Captured Heart
"For to me to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21).
"Christ has such a place in my heart that the power of circumstances disappears." J.N.D.
Study 1: A Heart Captured By The Gospel Of Christ
Phil. 1:3-12, 15-17, 21-30. Key verse: For to me to live is Christ (vs. 21).
STUDY #1 - The heart of the apostle Paul was demonstrated by his love for the Philippian saints.
- Fellowship in the gospel (vs. 5)
- Furtherance of the gospel ( vs. 12)
- Defense of the gospel (vs. 17)
- Conduct worthy of the gospel ( vs. 27)
Study 2: A Captured Heart Emulates The Example Of Christ
Phil. 2:1-11. Key verse: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (vs. 5).
STUDY #2 - Christ presented in humbling Himself is the pattern for the Christian life.
- The greatness and glory of Christ (Equal with God = He was God (vs. 6))
- The seven steps down, humbling Himself as Man, even to the death of the cross (vs. 7-8)
- The humbling effect on the Christian when contemplating Christ in His humiliation.
- The name of Jesus - despised by man, but exalted by God. Am I willing to confess the name of Jesus in the day of His rejection?
Study 3: An Enraptured Heart Has Christ In Glory As Its Object
Phil. 2:12-18. Key verse: It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure (vs.13).
Phil. 3:1-3, 7-11, 14. 2 Cor. 4:6
STUDY #3 - Christ in glory is presented as our object that gives energy to the Christian life.
- Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (2: 12)
- God works in us both the desire and ability to live for Him (2:13)
- The gospel of the glory of God kept Paul on course (2 Cor.4:6)
- Faithfulness, in complete dependence on the Lord, keeps the heart focused on Christ in the glory
- Press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (3:14)
Study 4: A Captured Heart Bears Fruit For Christ
Phil. 2-19-30, 4:8-19. Key verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (4:13).
2 Tim. 3:10, 14-15
STUDY #4 - Christ is the power to lift us above the cares and anxieties of our pilgrim path.
- Timothy, who rises to the challenge before him
- Epaphroditus, whose quiet service was recognized by God