Mahwah, NJ Bible Conference 2015
Mahwah, NJ
January 10, 2015
For additional notes from the conference please visit:
Joshua: Running Well
Many have made a start for God but were later sidetracked by various influences. Joshua, the Old Testament leader, gives an example of one who not only started well as a young man but also continued well and finished well. We would like to learn these lessons through a study of his life, connecting Joshua's example with additional encouragement from the New Testament.
Study 1 - Beginning Well
- Exodus 17:8-16 ~ Battling Amalek
- Exodus 24:12-14 ~ Waiting for Moses
- Exodus 32:17-18 ~ Learning discernment
- Exodus 33:3-11 ~ Remaining in the "tent of meeting"
- Numbers 14:6-9 ~ Giving a faithful report
- 1 Thessalonians 2:12 ~ New believers accepting God's Word
Study 2 - Continuing Well
- Numbers 27:15-23 ~ Receiving a leadership role
- Deuteronomy 31:1-3, 7-8 ~ Encouraged to remain faithful
- Joshua 5:2-15 ~ Obeying God's commands
- Colossians 1:23 ~ Continuing in the faith
Study 3 - Finishing Well
- Joshua 23:1-3, 14 ~ Reviewing God's faithfulness
- Joshua 24:14-31 ~ Exhorting the people to serve the Lord
- 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ~ Finishing the race
Ministry 1
Br. Sami Assad
- Joshua 1:8
- Psalm 1
Ministry 2
Br. Jake Redekop
- Galatians 2:20