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Articles - Gospel
Articles - Ministry

Grove City, PA

July 27 - August 3, 2013

For more information about the conference see:

For recordings of the Adult sessions see:

Young People's Study

The Epistle to the Colossians

Study 1 - Monday

01:28:28 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 1 - Monday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPMonday-11

Study 2 - Tuesday

01:20:37 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 2 - Tuesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPTuesday-09

Study 3 - Wednesday

01:28:15 - 9 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 3 - Wednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPWednesday-07

Study 4 - Thursday

01:32:58 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 4 - Thursday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-10
  11. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPThursday-11

Study 5 - Friday

01:32:17 - 10 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 5 - Friday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-08
  9. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-09
  10. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YPFriday-10

Young Adult's Study

Living As I Truly Am

1 Peter in five themes:
  • Born again
  • Pilgrims
  • Strangers
  • A spiritual house
  • A chosen generation

Study 1 - Sunday - Born again

54:47 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 1 - Sunday - Born again - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YASunday-06

Study 2 - Tuesday - Pilgrims

01:09:56 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 2 - Tuesday - Pilgrims - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YATuesday-08

Study 3 - Wednesday - Strangers

01:12:47 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 3 - Wednesday - Strangers - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAWednesday-08

Study 4 - Thursday - A spiritual house

01:07:06 - 8 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 4 - Thursday - A spiritual house - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-06
  7. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-07
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAThursday-08

Study 5 - Friday - A chosen generation

01:12:04 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPStudy 5 - Friday - A chosen generation - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-04
  5. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-05
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGCC13YAFriday-06

Evening Young People's Sessions

Missionary Meeting 1 - Monday

39:13 - 4 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMissionary Meeting 1 - Monday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting1-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting1-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting1-03
  4. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting1-04

Missionary Meeting 2 - Wednesday

42:45 - 3 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPMissionary Meeting 2 - Wednesday - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting2-01
  2. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting2-02
  3. Mp3PlayQueueMissionaryMeeting2-03
Follow along with the PowerPoint Presentation Here


Spiritual Songs 1

29:02 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue2 Twas Thy Love O God That Knew Us
  2. Mp3PlayQueue5 Unto Him Who Loves Us
  3. Mp3PlayQueue23 How Good Is The God We Adore
  4. Mp3PlayQueue27 Lamb Of God Our Souls Adore Thee
  5. Mp3PlayQueue28 Lamb Of God Thou Now Art Seated
  6. Mp3PlayQueue63 Son Of God With Joy We Praise Thee
  7. Mp3PlayQueue83 Lord Jesus How Our Souls Adore
  8. Mp3PlayQueue112 Buried With Chirst And Raised With Him Too
  9. Mp3PlayQueue155 What Was It Blessed God
  10. Mp3PlayQueue199 Man Of Sorrows What A Name
  11. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above
  12. Mp3PlayQueue217 Soldiers Of Christ Arise

Spiritual Songs 2

34:13 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come
  2. Mp3PlayQueue235 We'll Praise Thee Glorious Lord
  3. Mp3PlayQueue277 Christ's Glory Fills Eternity
  4. Mp3PlayQueue289 Be Still My Soul
  5. Mp3PlayQueue306 What A Friend We Have In Jesus
  6. Mp3PlayQueue332 We Rest On Thee Our Shield And Our Defender
  7. Mp3PlayQueue344 Not I But Christ Be Honoured Loved Exalted
  8. Mp3PlayQueue354 Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
  9. Mp3PlayQueue361 In Heavenly Love Abiding
  10. Mp3PlayQueue364 Have I An Object Lord Below
  11. Mp3PlayQueue367 How Firm A Foundation

Spiritual Songs 3

29:59 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs 3 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue371 Look Ye Saints The Sight Is Glorious
  2. Mp3PlayQueue372 Saved For Glory Yes For Glory
  3. Mp3PlayQueue381 Saviour Lead Us By Thy Power
  4. Mp3PlayQueue384 The Sands Of Time Are Sinking
  5. Mp3PlayQueue388 Nothing But Christ As On We Tread
  6. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be
  7. Mp3PlayQueue403 Alas And Did My Saviour Bleed
  8. Mp3PlayQueue412 Rock Of Ages Cleft For Me
  9. Mp3PlayQueue485 Thou Art The First Lord Jesus
  10. Mp3PlayQueue499 O Wondrous Savior Jesus Lord
  11. Mp3PlayQueue500 At The Name Of Jesus

Spiritual Songs Duplicates

16:30 - 6 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPSpiritual Songs Duplicates - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueue63 Son Of God With Joy We Praise Thee 2
  2. Mp3PlayQueue83 Lord Jesus How Our Souls Adore 2
  3. Mp3PlayQueue202 What Will It Be To Dwell Above 2
  4. Mp3PlayQueue218 Soon Will The Master Come 2
  5. Mp3PlayQueue361 In Heavenly Love Abiding 2
  6. Mp3PlayQueue402 Everlasting Glory Unto Jesus Be 2

Young People's Songs 1

30:28 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAmazing Love
  2. Mp3PlayQueueAs The Deer
  3. Mp3PlayQueueBe Unto Your Name
  4. Mp3PlayQueueBe Unto Your Name 2
  5. Mp3PlayQueueCome Let Us Go Up
  6. Mp3PlayQueueCome Let Us Go Up 2
  7. Mp3PlayQueueDay By Day
  8. Mp3PlayQueueGod Of Our Fathers
  9. Mp3PlayQueueHow Deep the Fathers Love For Us
  10. Mp3PlayQueueHow Great Thou Art
  11. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone 2

Young People's Songs 2

30:06 - 11 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPYoung People's Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  2. Mp3PlayQueueLord I Lift Your Name On High
  3. Mp3PlayQueueOur God Reigns
  4. Mp3PlayQueueSanctuary
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSeek Ye First
  6. Mp3PlayQueueShout to the Lord
  7. Mp3PlayQueueSing Hallelujah to the Lord
  8. Mp3PlayQueueThe Power of the Cross
  9. Mp3PlayQueueThe Power of the Cross 2
  10. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Grace Of Jesus
  11. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Merciful Saviour

Due to technical difficulties recordings of Talent Night 2013 are not available.

Gospel Songs 1

33:50 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPGospel Songs 1 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueAmazing Grace
  2. Mp3PlayQueueBlessed Assurance
  3. Mp3PlayQueueChrist Receiveth Sinful Men
  4. Mp3PlayQueueCome to the Savior Now
  5. Mp3PlayQueueEternity
  6. Mp3PlayQueueGrace Greater Than Our Sins
  7. Mp3PlayQueueHow Deep The Fathers Love
  8. Mp3PlayQueueI Have A Savior
  9. Mp3PlayQueueI Know Whom I Have Believed
  10. Mp3PlayQueueIn Christ Alone
  11. Mp3PlayQueueIt Is Well
  12. Mp3PlayQueueJesus Loves Me

Gospel Songs 2

31:59 - 12 Tracks
Play AllQueue AllZIPGospel Songs 2 - Full Mp3
  1. Mp3PlayQueueJust As I Am
  2. Mp3PlayQueueNow I Belong To Jesus
  3. Mp3PlayQueueO What Gift The Father Gave
  4. Mp3PlayQueueOnly Trust Him
  5. Mp3PlayQueueSearch Me O God
  6. Mp3PlayQueueTell Me The Old Old Story
  7. Mp3PlayQueueTurn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
  8. Mp3PlayQueueVictory In Jesus
  9. Mp3PlayQueueWhen The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
  10. Mp3PlayQueueWhen We All Get To Heaven
  11. Mp3PlayQueueWhy Should He Love Me So
  12. Mp3PlayQueueWonderful Grace Of Jesus
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